Thursday, October 25, 2007

When Science Emulates Nature and Vice Versa

I knew this all along! Yah right.

Still I found this theory to be incredibly inspiring.
clipped from

Gates is widely recognized for his ability to communicate the complex ideas at the forefront of theoretical physics to a general audience. During a PBS interview, he summed up his feelings about science this way, “trying to understand the most fundamental structure and issues for our universe—is a birthright for all of us. For me there is a personal joy in participating in that adventure. It belongs to everybody, just like great art and great music belongs to everybody. Great science belongs to everybody.”

Dr. Gates sat down with WIRED Science to explain just what’s so ‘super’ about superstring theory and why the complexities of theoretical physics should matter to all of us.

Searching for a Theory of Everything
 blog it

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