Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mobile Navigation - Soft Keys

Mobile Application design is new territory. The metaphor for navigation has not been completely defined however one thing remains certain, without a standard keyboard and mouse for navigation on mobile devices creativity for ease of use is key.
clipped from

Adding the accesskey attribute to link a lets users “click” on that link by simply pressing a number on their phone’s keypad. Valid values for accesskey can be 0-9,#, and * (all of the keys on a standard phone keypad). Displaying which key will activate a link is up to the application as most phones won’t tell the user that a link has an access key. Web site designers currently need to decide on a consistent way to inform users that an access key is associated with a given link. Most apps will use ordered lists where the order of the links corresponds with the access keys. Putting the number in brackets inside or next to the link is another way to denote the accesskey.


CNN’s mobile site makes good use of accesskeys. They have chosen to associate the main sections of their web site with the access keys 1 through 9:

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