Friday, October 19, 2007

Cell phone etiquette

I agree with everything said here except in toilets. Why should you not let your phone ring while you are in the toilet. On the other hand some people on the other end of the line may not be happy to hear of your private actions while in conversation. Flushing and tinkling are dead give aways.
clipped from

Mobile telephone use etiquette is an important matter of social discourtesy, phones ringing during funerals, weddings, in toilets, cinemas, and plays. Users often speak loudly, leading to book shops, libraries, bathrooms, cinemas, doctors' offices, and houses of worship prohibiting their uses, and, in some places, the installation of signal-jamming equipment to prevent their use (though in many countries, including the U.S., such equipment is currently illegal). Some new buildings, such as auditoriums, have installed wire mesh in the walls (making it a Faraday cage) which prevents signal penetration that does not violate signal jamming laws.

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